MHYC Commodore
Hello - Many of you may already know me, but I would like to take a minute to introduce myself to those I may not have already met.
My name is Veronica Roberson, the 2023 Milwaukee Harbor Yacht Club Commodore. I have been an MHYC member for 10 years along with my husband, and past Commodore Robert D.
I have also been very active with SSYC Big Brothers, Big Sisters, MYC Yacht Blast 4 Kids and MHYC Sojourner Family Peace Center events in the last several years. These causes are near and dear to my heart as they are to yours also.
I and the new MHYC Board of Directors are looking forward to getting back to our original social meetings and events we had prior to the pandemic. The MHYC Board is planning a fun filled Spring and action packed Summer with events both on and off the water.
Truly yours,
Veronica Roberson - Commodore,
Milwaukee Harbor Yacht Club

Join TODAY for Only $65 for 2 People! Membership requires sponsorship by two current MHYC members, attendance at one club meeting or function, and receipt of our membership application, with dues payment. Membership must be approved by vote at a scheduled meeting of the Board. Upon approval, you will be able to attend all Club events, and you will receive a membership card, Club roster, and a copy of the by-laws.
Safe operation, maintenance and care of your boat.
Share the enjoyment of boating experiences and lifestyles.
The affordable family boat club.